This week our assignment was to create "Create a sketch using the pixel array that encourages the participant to use their body in some way." At first my idea was based on the AR Zoom filters that one of my teachers was working on. The longer you stay silent on Zoom, the more flowers & plants gonna grown on you.
Inspiration 1
So my ideas was for p5 to get pixels from a photo, and if the person stays still it would start populating the video with pixels from the photo. Unfortunately, it was too much information, so the video was lagging and didn't really run. I think it was because of several loops involved.
Failed sketch
So I started brainstorming again and thought about wooden mirror by Daniel Rozin, cuz I've always felt intrigued by it. However, I wanted to use a different shape, not the squares, so in my sketch I used ellipses. Then I found a sketch by Themis Garcia, research resident at ITP, who created a sketch using the brightness by summing up rgb values and then using conditions manipulated the pixels.
Inspiration 2.1
Inspiration 2.2
So in the end, it became black & white almost drawing tool, as I used the pixel difference that we explored in Lisa's class. So by moving the user can manipulate the pixels and draw kind of draw them on the canvas. Depending on threshold value. it has a bit of a different effect. Personally, i felt in control when I was using the sketch, and tried drawing a butterfly with my arms. Pauline said it looked 'playful, variant of drawing on the canvas". Access the code here.
Pauline Ceraulo playing with the sketch
Me playing with the sketch