At first, I wanted to do a very different project for the second assignment. We had to use:
1) One element controlled by the mouse;
2) One element that changes over time, independently of the mouse;
3) One element that is different every time you run the sketch.
So I wanted to create a hungry worm game, where you eat a dot and the worm grows. But I don't think I've learned enough to do that yet and also my sketch wasn't saved due to disabled auto-saving function. Sad, of course, but I treated it as a sign to change the direction of the project. Hence, I decided to create something cute that would bring joy to others and me.
Below you can see a white rabbit which is quite hungry, so its eyes are following the carrot. The eyes and the carrot are thus, controlled by the mouse. Background's color changes every time the sketch is run thanks to the "random" function. And the butterfly just flies independently all over the sketch. An update: I also added a sun which is rotating around the point of origin I chose using "rotate" and "translate" functions.
The white rabbit sketch
The sketch with added sun and a piece of code
Why I called this post "Follow the white rabbit"? That's because it means to follow the idea which may lead to a strange and unexpected place just like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. Of course this phrase also means using psychedelics to experience the trip, but this is completely another story.
Summary: I noticed that after the second lesson it was much easier to set the arc's values, but I still avoided sines and cosines, as these are still too difficult to comprehend for me. I'm glad I decided to implement some transformation, but I'm interested whether I can make the sun rotate slower.