For this week assignment, the homework was to create an interactive artwork that implements the concept of repetition with variation. I don’t know why I decided to be inspired by pac-man, but it happened.
At first, I wanted it to recreate a game pattern, when pac-man goes after food but cannot get it. In this scenario the repetition only involved the lines. To make it more interesting, I made the lines and the food randomly change colors every second.
GIF showing the first sketch
In the second sketch, however, I applied loops to the pac-men. There’s this feeling of dissonance, as logically the ball-shaped food should eventually end up at one of the packmen’s mouths. And it never does.
GIF showing the second sketch
Summary: I didn’t have any problems with loops, as it’s a simple concept once you get through all the material for the lesson. I did, however, had a question about “repetition with variation” in terms of its exact meaning. But I hope my pac-man artwork satisfies this part of the task.
First sketch
Second sketch: