Animation Final: Sweet dreams box
Initial Idea: I decided that the theme for my box will be a weird unrealistic dream with the dragon, water lilies, the moon, lake and...
Animation Final: Sweet dreams box
Visual language V: Composition
CompMedia VIII: Sound from Mumintroll
Visual language IV: Color
Animation IV: Final video
PComp XI: Third project development
Animation III: Progress
Visual language III: Logo & Brand design
PComp X: The motors
Visual Language II: Typography & Expression
CompMedia VII: Pixels
Animation II: Video idea
PComp IX: Maze game
Visual Language: Design Analysis
Animation I: Obsession with reversed
PComp VIII: Feeling the progress
PComp VII: Accessible labyrinth game
PComp VI: New words, new World
CompMedia VI: Anahata
V&S final: If a girl wants to be a legend